The Macallan Aera Single Malt Scotch Whisky 700ml


The Macallan AERA Black is a single malt whisky inspired by the important milestones in life and specially crafted to celebrate and commemorate these moments. Life is a journey full of various experiences, and the long journey of oak barrels gives whisky a unique flavour. The Macallan, which collects the rarest sherry barrels of various vintages, is like the guardian of time, carefully selecting the best. Oak barrels give birth to "Macallan AERA Royal Black", with a highly complex classic Macallan style - dried fruit flavor and aroma, while adding the sweet aroma of chocolate and honey, interpreting every moment in life worth celebrating Precious moments of remembrance. The first milestone in creating Macallan AERA was selecting the highest quality American and European oak. The precious oak grows from an acorn into a tree. It undergoes natural drying for 4 years during the process of being transported from the forests of the United States and northern Spain to Jerez in southern Spain. After being made into wooden barrels, it undergoes sherry wine production for 2 years. It is soaked in the highest quality sherry oak barrels, then transported a long way to Scotland, filled with new wine and then matured for a long time, giving The Macallan the taste of a butterfly. This single malt whisky is characterized by the sweetness of dried fruits intertwined with the rich aroma of honey. The burst of refreshing citrus enriches the flavor in a timely manner, leaving a lingering malt sweetness and a warm aftertaste. Tasting this single malt whisky is a rich journey for your taste buds.